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Chrystina is a synthesizer of all good things; Kundalini Yoga Teacher to inspire you to connect back to your body and spirit; Life Coach who will hold the space as you remember your essential self and all it’s dreams and visions; Feng Shui  consultant working with the energy of your space and life; and Photostylist with over 30 years of design experience. At times these all combine for life changing excitement!

Additional training in Sound Healing, Dance/Movement, Voice, Fashion Design, Fine Arts, and all things having to do with space, energy and living into our fullest potential.

My Story

I began practicing Kundalini Yoga in 2015 with Nicole Nardone. It was on a whim after
years of practicing other styles of yoga. I loved the combination of physical postures,
singing, dance, and spirituality - all modalities I have studied and love - in one practice!

In 2017 I was drawn to study further and joined the Level One teacher training in
Minneapolis. After completion of my studies I was offered a teaching spot at Svasti
Yoga, then Modus Locus. Let me just say, the power of Kundalini Yoga is grand - I never
intended to be a teacher - teaching has opened so many other doors in my life. During
the shut-down I moved my class online where I was able to gather people from other
parts of the country and hold space during a period of change. Having a background in
Sound Healing, Dance, Voice, and Feng Shui, I bring knowledge from all these areas
together in my practice. Creating community and tapping into the kundalini energy that
holds space for our truest selves to come forward to live into our deepest potential, this
is what I strive to support. If you are new to Kundalini Yoga, please come check out
these classes at Aquarian Mpls! My mantra is: when we allow ourselves to leap, we find
we can fly.

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